What is GedReader ?
Gedreader is a windowed executable program written in C/C++ aimed to exlpoit informations contained in Gedcom files. It will permit you to put your genealogy online!
History :
GedReader was first intended to read a .ged file and organize all individus informations in a web page (html file). Then it evolved to draw scalable vectorial graph SVG of individus ascendance or descendance.
Features :
- Just execute the .exe file this display the program window
- Check boxes to choose what you want to generate (Genealogy web pages or Graphic Charts)
- Can read Unix/Windows files
- One csv file for all webpages! so you can change colors, size, fonts... of all generated pages using this file so that the default style will be what you want, that is less sad !
- Warning: in somes windowsXP, msvcr70.dll could be missing. If it is the case you can download it at www.dll-files.com
- Can read Unix/Windows files
- One csv file for all webpages! so you can change colors, size, fonts... of all generated pages using this file so that the default style will be what you want, that is less sad !
- Warning: in somes windowsXP, msvcr70.dll could be missing. If it is the case you can download it at www.dll-files.com